Move alot! The enemies will not be able to hit you if you run around the stage like a lunatic. Hold down the shift key (=run) as much as possible.

It is important that you master the "strafe" technique! Preferably use the "real" strafe keys, ie '.' and '/'. You could also use the "force-strafe" technique 'RIGHT AMIGA', but then you will have to keep up the fingerwork! Anyway, the important thing is for you to take the corners, without loosing the view forward, to always be prepared if an enemy should turn up and ruin you day. It is possible if you use the "strafe" keys in the right way: eg, to take a 90� corner to the left in a small corridor. When turning press 'CURSOR LEFT' and '/' at the same time, and you will slide around the corner like never before! And the front-view was clear all the time!

Configure the control so that it fits you perfectly! I for example don't like jumping with '0', so I use '/' instead, since I think you get much better control in the air that way! Furthermore I use 'DEL' and 'HELP' to look up or down! It is very personally how one likes the controls. Experiment! The reward is perfect control over the game, and maximum playability!

If the ammo or energy should run out play a couple of stages behind you again, or start from scratch again! You will notice that you have gained experince, and you will have fun playing stages you before thought of as impossible. The result is more ammo and health!

You have to learn every stage by heart, where the enemies are hiding and how many they are. One tip is to start every new stage with running and fooling around as far as possible (ie until you die) the first times, to get a picture of the stage before taking on the task of completing it. Make sure you know were the "big and bad" enemies are, so that you don't get surpriced and loose control over the situation.

Use the map! Let the map be your eyes when you cannot see whats infront of you. The map can also reveal secret rooms (ie walls that can be opened)! If you can't find a way of opening such a room, it's probably not a bonus room, but a room filled with horrible enemies that will open when you least expect it! (Never forget such a room!)

If you think the game is to hard on you, you can play the 2MB version! Ok, it might not be quite as good looking as the 4MB, but it's easier. First of all the cool lightning effects dissapear and the floors turn into one colour and everything gets lighter. All this makes it easier to see what's in front of you! The best thing though, is that the gray and the green robots gets exchanged with only one type of robot. The blue (and easy) robots are all that is left! This will make the game alot easier! The red robots with the assualt rifles are still there though.

Secure the areas you have been to. You have to make sure 100% that there are no enemies left behind! There is nothing worse than a red rodent from behind when trying to fight a priest! Avoid fighting against many enemies at once in a big open space. The best thing is to fight one enemy in a small area where you are in full charge over the situation!

The enemies can't shoot you though walls! It may sound obvious, but it gives us the best technique when slaughering aliens. Around corners! Use your strafe knowledges and take a peek around the corner, shoot and then back again! Make sure you are using the correct weapon, and be prepared to back if the alien should come to close! Use the same technique with doors that are automaticly closed! Often when you get hit by an enemy bullet, you are turned around a random number of degrees. It is important to quickly beeing able to straighten up and continue fighting in such a situation.

The degree of difficulty is increasing until stage 8, to lower quite a bit, and then increase again until stage 15, where it is really difficult. When playing stage 15 you think that stage 3, wich is very hard the first time, is a piece of meat!

When opening a door (or in any other way entering an unknown territory) you should back out of it right away. Many aliens seem to hear you and are standing there waiting for you! Back out quickly and be ready to squeeze the trigger! If you come out of a teleporter you can, when entering it, turn so that you come out of it in the best possible angle!

The jetpack can take you to places never seen before. Experiment and use the map to find bonus rooms! When flying you may look up or down to get a better view.


A very good weapon. Make sure you always have ammo for the shotgun, since it's needed everywhere in the game. Use the fact that the bullets hit their targets immediatly, and that the weapon aims automatically. Good "acute-weapon", ie have it ready when you don't know what's in front of you.

Plasma/Tripple Plasma:
Quite slow, but very powerful! Most efficiant in close up situations. It mashes your opponent fast! Use the tripple plasma in emergencies, when hords of enemies are attacking. This too is a weapon you should always have ammunition for.

Together with the rocket launcher this is the most powerful weapon. Try to gather many aliens at one place then launch a grenade towards them for maximum destruction. Beware of the explosion. It will hurt you. If you look up or down you can controll the grenades flight in a better way. Look up and the grenade will fly further away.

Assault rifle:
Like the shotgun, only much faster. The best place to use the assault rifle is in small and narrow corridors where enemies rush towards yo.

Weak and slow weapon. Fits best when you can hit the baddies and they cannot hit you. Since you often have a lot of ammo for this gun it is recommended to use it when you need to save your other ammo, or as a long distance weapon when it's hard to get a clean hit!

Rocket launcher:
Powerful and fast! Goes in a straight line until it hits a wall or an enemy. Use it one the big and bad enemies. Be careful so that you do not launch a round straight into the wall in front of you.

Laser/Mega Laser:
It kills most things in its way, and it does it quickly. Play Eraser and use the mega laser. Nothing survives! Unless the ammo runs out. Save up and only use in emergencies! The laser bounces on walls, which makes it a "tactics-weapon", with which you can perform funny things. Observe: Mega laser is very fast, but not the standard laser. This really makes them two different weapons that are to be used differently!

A powerful explosive with a delay. Best tactics: Run in front of a door with hords of enemies behind that is automatically opened when you pass, and put a mine there. Hopefully you will kill every single baddie when they run out the door chasing you! Beware of the explosion!


Arnie the alien:
Arnies favourite occupation is to gnaw and to howl! Give him a mine to gnaw and he will stop howling. Seriusly, Arnie howls when he sees you. If you can hear him, but not see him, turn around quickly! Shoot him at long distances with the shotgun (one shot) or with the assault rifle (two shots)! Don't let him come near you. Sometimes he is impossible to hit when he is gnawing your leg.

This modest little creature can be a real pain. Use the shotgun to blow him away. But even though hotgun aims pretty goot, he can be really hard to hit. If he comes to close to you he will eat up your energy quickly. Beware of leaving one of these behind you - eventually he will find you!

Blue robot:
There is not much to say about the blue aliens. Use as weak weapon as possible (eg the blaster), to save up ammunition. Two shots from the shotun is enough to kill the sucker. Use the strafe-technique to avoid his shots.

Gray robot:
These have shotguns and are very dangerous, as they can hurt you the moment they see you! Kill them fast. Use a powerful weapon if needed.

Green robot:
Not as dangerous as the gray, but quick! They shoot plasma-shots, and many at a time! Use ie the shotgun at a far distance, and avoid their shots by strafing sideways, or by using a corner.

Red robot with headlights:
One of these can kill even the most skilled player! If you see the corridor in front of you beeing lit up I suggest you RUN. The robots have automatic weapons that will hit you at once. And they shoot alot too! If you use the strafe-technique around a corner together with a weak weapon, it is almost impossible to avoid beeing hit! A wellthrown grenade, or maby a bazookashot, and you will come home for dinner alive! If you stand in front of them, or try to strafe in front of them, you will be a red spot on the floor in a matter of seconds!

Blue Insect:
Like the blue aliens, only faster and they shoot more! At a very close distance they can be really annoying, so make sure you shoot them before the reach you! If you blow them full of lead they may some times have difficulties shoting back at you!

Yellow insect:
They shoot very quick, and their shots take a great deal of your energy, as well as they spin you around 5.25 turns. Therefore you will have to shoot them before they can manage to throw a couple of rounds at you. Best put to death using a well aimed bazookashot!

Red insect:
Shoot plasmavballs, and lots of them if he sees you! Can only be found on two stages - D and O.

"Floating ball of jelly with arms":
This one shoots plasmaballs at you, and you shound do the same thing against it. They will quickly float towards you, so be prepared for a closeup fight with lot of strafing. Watch out when you can't see the one you where just chasing, he might be just above you!

Killer Bees:
Can take a great deal of damage! And they are quick too. Try to throw grenades towards them (look a bit up) and get a rythm. Plasma does also work. If you get the right rythm, the bee cannot shoot back. If not it will shot cascades of plasmaball towards you that may be hard to avoid (although strafing works mostly).

Dangerous fellows. They can shoot directly at you with no visible bullet and the shot takes a temendous amont on your life! Best way to avoid the shots is to stand in a narrow corridor, with the priest outside in an open area. He may then have difficutlies aiming at you. He will hit the wall instead. If he sees you he will shoot directly! Take him out with the rocket launcher, or with grenades if possible. Best though, is to avoid him completely and take another way (although this is not possible most of the time).

Like the yellow insects, but more agressive and shoots cascades of the powerful shots at you! There are only three of them in the entire game, but thats enough for me. The first one is quite simple to take out, but the next two are a bit more difficult! My technique was: run, pull 20 mines (ie all I had at the time) out of your pocket and put them on the ground after you, run, bazooka a little here and a little there, waste all of you laser. In short: find out new things to do until they are dead, or more likely: you are dead.

The boss:
The grean mean bastard in the end of the game. He will throw hords of bazookashots at you if he sees you! Read more about him on the last stage.


Level A:
This level shouldn't be too hard to manage. A good practice stage before the real stages.

Level B:
Now the degree of difficulty increases strikingly! I have heard of many not making it beyond this stage. You must first take cover somewhere. Run to the left at once, after killing the first robots. You should come to a room in which you will find a robot and a rodent. Kill them and wait for the enemies/carefully go back to clean out the corridor. The next problem is the red robot. He cannot go very far, so if you are a bit lucky you can quickly strafe infront of him and then back out again to the "entrance" where he cannot see you. If you stand infront of him he will splatter you, so don't do so! You might want to use the map to orientate on this stage. Remember that aliens like attacking from behind on stages designed like this one.

Level C:
Beware of the green jellyblobz that lure behind the door! Open it and run like hell. They will probably come after you, so back of and shoot when they are approaching. Strafe to avoid their plasmaballs. From the blue room insects are pouring out! I think that it's best to stand in the corridor before the room and blast every so of a bitch that comes out of it. When nobody else is coming you just walk into the room until yoou see some more and run back to your hideout! Then we have the priest left. You better avoid him completely. Stand in the corridor, so he can't shoot you. When you see him walking around the pedestal (he will stop attacking you!), wait a bit and then follow him. He can't see you - thus not shoot you - if you keep to the opposite side of the pedestal. When you are at the back of it, jump up and grab the key and RUN towards the exit! Observe: Don't forget that there is a hidden door, and behind it loads of goddies. It is to the right of the little staircare inside the "maze".

Level D:
The best teqnique is to try to gather every alien in a lump beneath your ledge and give then a grenade to chew on. It is almost impossible to not getting hit by the fire from the robots. When Mr. Red appears you may either stay upon the ledge, and try to shoot him when he pops up infront of you (it takes time. Watch out for him bullets - he shoots quite a few), or run into the room and directly left (watch out for the teleports), where a door has opened. Grab the rocket launcher and blow him into small red slimy alienparts.

Level E:
Good, You made it here! Now things get harder. First of all, don't wait for the red robots. Instead quickly jump over the ravine. Get rid of all the trash and grab the first key. Now go stand next to the door that is furthest away from the starting point, with the yellow insects behind. Open the door and step aside. Be ready with the bazooka. Fire if you should see an enemy. You don't have any time to think, so don't stand still too long, or you'll be barbeque! Don't waste your ammo, especially not on one of the triclaws, which are also in the room. Repeat the "sidestepping" procedure until all the three insects are dead. You'll now get the next key. In the next room you will find a door that is automatically opened when you pass infront of it. Behind are loads of enemies that pour out of it. You should run infront of this door and place a mine outside. With any luck you'll kill all of the enemies in one big blam! After this shoot the yellow insects with the bazooka, and locate the switch. Just beside this is a secret room filled with goddies! Pull the switch and seek cover in the secret room. From here you can fairly simple kill the two priests with grenades!

Level F:
After the first teleporter run to the "room". Stay here and try to kill the enemies. They will come to you! When finished go to the next teleporter, but continue straight on, and then up the wall using the jetpack, and you'll find a nice place. In the labyrinth you should use the assault rifle. Learn to orientate and use the map. There are two red ones that may cause trouble, and an extra one in one of the rooms!

Level G:
When you've shot the first robot his buddies come to the rescue, and they're red of anger. Make sure you quickly run to the ventilator-systems (duck to get through), don't care about the buddies. Go and shoot the generators, but don't get down in the lava - you won't get up again! You can then relatively easy kill alot of aliens from the tunnels. In the "last" room, shoot the green jelly things before you open their doors when pulling the switch! the last key is located on a ledge in the room closest to the switch. Fly up there!

Level H:
Look out in to the freedom for one nanasecons, and then avait the enemies. Kill them all from the "startroom". The bees has alot of stamina. Use the grenades and try to paralyse them! If you are very short of ammo, you could start the stage with running out and gathering as much as possible from the middle of the yard, and then return home to the "base". There is alot to pick up on the stage. Search carefully!

Level I:
Now thing get a bit easier! Start off with walking straight forward as much as possible. There are no enemies in the first part of the stage. There are alot of rodents here, so use the shotgun of assault rifle and make sure to kill every sucker before advancing! Don't just walk in to a big room. Instead stand at a distance and try to blow the enemies to hell, also, let them come to you ! Carefully search for small, and maby hidden paths. There are quite a few of them. Eg at the end of the stage, where you are about to jump over some walls, you can pull down a BIG wall, and in that way avoiding confrontation with some real bad guys! This is a stage where yo ushould try to avoid as much as possible!

Level J:
Take out the red robots with a grenade or the bazooka, otherwise you may get in trouble. When you take the green key, a door very close by opens and a red one gets out. Put a mine in front of the door before you quickly take the key! In the "elevatorroom", kill the insect with a basookashot, aim carefully. In the same place there is a "jelly", that seems to be stuck behind an elevator. Either you will have to wait him out, which may take a while, or just ignore him! With a little luck he won't see you! In the second part of the stage the plasma gun is prefered. Don't forget the hidden room with the medipac. Not to forget too is the water, that's a sight you won't see everyday!

Level K:
This is one of the hardest levels in the game! The stage is too symetrical, and thus it's very hard finding your way around it! Draw a map with all the rooms, keys and the way of doing everything, or have a look at mine below! Be careful, as soon as you take a key, new doors open and enemies ooze out. Be extra careful when you teleport somewere. The green key in the oval in the middle can be tricky the first time. Run arond the big square in the middle once and the key will appear! The three priests you kill with alot of bazooka shots. You should stay and await the enemies in most rooms after taking a key. You will loose a lot of energy on this stage, but don't give up. You can complete it with a bit of practice, and some luck on top of it!Just make sure you always know where all the bad guys are

Level L:
This is a battlearena! Start with collecting the ammunition and medipacs (ofcourse), and then go and try to shoots as many slimy aliens as possible from your legde. Beware of bullets from far far away. When you think you've mashed enough enemies, jump down and run around shooting everything that's moving. Now go for the tough bit. Place yourself on one of the platforms that are right next to the big one in the middle. You should now be halfway up compared to the one in the middle. Up there are two red robots and one spider(!). They can hardly ever see you where you stand right now! Quickly jump up into the slime. If you think you see an enemy right in front of you, fire a bazooka and something towards it! With any luck you'll hit the sucker. Time for a quick retreat! Stay down until the shots fired at you have all passed, and then repeat the procedure again until all three are dead. Never stay in the slime! You'll get badly hurt either by the enemies, or by the slime! The exit is in a tunnel in the middle of the slime. It will not open until all enemies are dead.

Level M:
You can avoid large part of this stage by doing it in this way: Star with going into the slime, straigh ahead to the right. Here are two important things. A teleporter and a key. The key might be hard to find. When walking around, look up for a tunnel into the wall above you. When you've got the green key, teleport back and go into one of the tunnels right after the slime. You'll get a yellow key. Now head back to the start position and go straigh ahead to the left. Here are two doors with yellow insects behind, that opens by pressure sensitive buttons in the floor. If you sneek right next to the left wall all the time you can avoid opening these doors! Take the red key, and walk back to the room before the slime. Here is the "exclamation mark" key to the right. Now you can open the door that is straigh to the right from the start position. Beware of the priest! Never bother going to the left from the start, there are only trouble in there. By The Way: Charge up the jetpack before you exit the level. You'll need it soon!

Level N:
Pretty tough stage, but there is a way of cheating: if you have a fully charged jetpack you can avoid big parts of the stage! In the "silo" you shall fly up to the to ledges. Otherwise you would have had to activate the elevator in the silo, and that requires more rooms to visit. With a little training I don't think this stage should cause any trouble. You should do the stage this way (in order to "cheat"): Start with cleaning out the enemies that are rushing from the tunnel infront of you. The go down into the silo. Kill the baddies and teleport up again. Now fly to the higher ledge of the two in the silo. Take everything. Go down into the silo again and take everything here aswell. Now fly up to the lower of the ledges, and once again grab all that you see. Now go straight ahead from the start, detroy the communication-centre, and wander on the next level!

Level O:
A very hard stage! There are four directions to choose from from the starting point:

"Two Spiders"
No tactics here, just run and waste all of your power-weapons. You will loose alot of energy here, and most often die. Thats why you should take this one first!

"Two killer bees"
The bees are a bit tricky. Run around alot like a lonantic until they are both down at your level, otherwise they will hurt you alot. Try to cocentrate on one at a time, and paralyse him. With one dead there should not be to much fuzz about destroying the other one.

"Two killer insects"
In this room you'll bump in to two red insects, like the one at stage four. This means that they are really quick and they shoot alot. Run to the left or right and in to a teleporter. You'll appear at the teleporter on the other side. Stay and wait until you see an insect, fire a couple bullets and then quick into the teleporter again, otherwise you'll get hurt. Repeat this until the two are blown away. Go down into the slime and destroy the communication-centre to get out of the unplesant place!

"Lotsa rodents"
This is the easy one of the four. To get to the ending you will have to choose the right teleporter, otherwise you'll teleport to the beginning again. This is the right way:

"Forward - Left - Right"
"Forward - Left - Left"
"Forward - Left"
"Forward - Right"
"Forward - Left"

You should do the stage in this order. After every part you'll receive a key in the middle of the stage! After four keys you are ready for the final stage!

Level P:
This stage is "square circular". Keep to the outer limits. Try to get our green friends attention, and make him follow you round, round. Walk backwards, and always be "one length" infront of him. If you do the right thing, you will always be at a corner and you will see him coming round the corner "over there". He will fire at you, and yo uat him. Use the bazooka and fire one or two times. Back around your corner and run to the next one. Await him and repeat it all over again, until he is spacegarbage! Then you kill the four priest that like tho hang around in the middle of the stage. Use every signle piece or heavy weaponry you've got, after all, these are the last enemies you are to eliminate! When they are gone, walk into the newly opened door.